Ancient Indian Occult Magic

Your search for a powerful, spiritually clean spell caster ends here.

This is where you start to step into your true potential, master your fate, transcend the limits of your current reality. And live the life YOU want.

Ravidatt Vyas - Vedanta

My name is Ravidatt Vyas.

I am a Vedanta or Vedant. I am descended from a family of Vedanta and spell caster troubleshooters that can be traced back 800 years in India.

Traditionally, a Vedanta is someone who has mastered the four Vedas. The Vedas are the oldest, unbroken tradition of written material in the world, also the most powerful, being of non-human origin.* (see more below)

In English, I may be described as a Vedic Occult Magic Spell Caster, or Vedic Ritual Magic Practitioner.

I have at my disposal rare and lost rituals, including those from other spiritual traditions, incantations, invocations, conjurations, ancient occult magic, other magic spells, love spells, Siddhi powers, Samyama.... along with astro-numerology and a lot more

I also have at my command the five elements that govern this planet, ie. fire, water, wind, earth and the sky. The last two elements have seven layers with them.

The speed in which I can make things change are beyond belief. Whatever I speak or think happens which in today time people call manifestation.I have more than can be described within current or even historical understanding of the Vedas, certainly within the limited scope of a small website. You will discover the true meaning of the word "magic".

Whatever your previous experiences or impressions of other Indian spell casters, Tantriks, priests, etc, I will take you far beyond.

Where I stand there is place for only one.

In retaining my services, I summon the powers of the concerned gods so you achieve your goals in life.

More about Me, Ravidatt Vyas, Vedic Occult Magic Spell Caster, CLICK HERE

Do you have everything you want in life?

Are you happy? Do you have everything you want in life? Is your love life as wonderful as it should be? Or are you madly in love with someone who doesn't return your love in the same way or who doesn't even know you exist?

Do you want to be more charismatic, popular, attractive? Do you want more sex appeal and sex power?

For Love Spells that Work and Sex Spells, CLICK HERE

Are you always strapped for cash?

How is your health? Do you want to feel more energetic, stronger?

Do you want to change your “bad circumstances”, “bad luck”, turn your “bad fate” or “bad karma” around? Do enemies, rivals, opponents, negative people stand between you and success? Do you feel 'stuck', helpless, lost? Are you at a dead end in life? Are you constantly troubled by setbacks, obstacles, petty annoyances, 'inexplicable' failures in all your endeavours, perhaps due to your "fate", “bad planetary influences” as described by astrologers, tarot card readers, "God men"? Do you suspect you have attacked by black magic curses or hexes? To remove black magic and other curses, dark entities, malicious spirits, etc, CLICK HERE.

Do you want power, wealth, fame, affection, True Love?

Have you noticed how most people plod through life blind, resigned, hopeless, meekly accepting what “fate” has dealt them, completely closed to the infinite possibilities that the Universe can be bent, moulded at will with occult knowledge and occult magic?

The once-unimaginable and fantastical can be yours.

Harness the forces of powerful occult magic now

The term "occult" has become loosely interchangeable with the words "black magic", "black magic curses", "hexes", "voodoo" whatnot, and acquired an undisturbate image in popular myth and culture, arousing nothing more than mass hysteria, tapping into half-truths and irrational fears in our collective unconscious in this rather 'black and white' world we live in. Occult magic will remain only in the realms of horror or science fantasy fiction ... for most.

Many laypeople take "the occult", "occult magic", "ritual magic" to mean something unholy, evil, demonic, Satanic. I do not use occult magic to cause intentional harm.

My occult magic is, however, amoral, forceful, far more fast acting than anything terned "white magic" or even "black magic" you will have seen so far, certainly on the internet.

My occult magic works best for those who of you who are totally committed, passionate of heart and mind in your cause. AND prepared for dramatic, overwhelming, life-changing results.

A word of warning here: Be careful of those who claim this, that or other form of so-called "black magic" of theirs is more powerful than x y or z white magic. If you do happen just by sheer dumb luck to come across an actual practitioner who may know a little occult magic, chances are, they are rank amateurs playing with a hotch-potch of half-baked 'knowledge' using what are essentially lower non-physical entities of limited powers with impressive, even good-like-sounding titles or names, but which they cannot properly control.

At first they may bedazzle you with a seemingly self-assured front, suck you in with confidential words, maybe even pull a few flashing party magic tricks.

At best the effects will not be permanent. At worst, they can make your situation worse than you could have imagined before you started, ON TOP of robbing you blind of your hard-earned money, bleed you in regular 'instalments' before you come to your senses.

My magic burns, incinerates, obliterates all black magic, curses, hexes, other low level magic by other spell casters of other traditions, white magic or black, in its path.

The word "occult" simply means "knowledge of the hidden" in Latin. To an occultist it is the study of a deeper Truth that lies beneath the physical sciences, 'logic', the 'obvious'. It is "hidden" only from the general public, yes, as occultists throughout history in many cultures have been persecuted and forced to go underground for practicing their vastly misunderstood crafts that do not conform to large, organised religion.

Occult magic and the casting of magic spells, love spells, reverse spells, protection spells, et al, is a precise science and a mere tool, with vast potential... all for the harnessing. In the hands of the chosen and initiated.

With your faith and my powers, we can and will change the most desperate circumstances.

Yours sincerely,

Ravidatt Vyas



*Vedanta or Vedant was originally used in Hinduism to mean the part of the Vedas also known as the Upanishads.

The Vedas are a large body of texts in the Sanskrit language originating from ancient India, consisting of literature and Hindu scripts. The Vedas are apauruseya or “ not of human agency ”, ie. of divine origin. Among other subjects, they contain anthems to be recited by priests, formula, rituals, occult spells and incantations.

The word vedanta is now used to describe a group of philosophical traditions concerned with the self-realization by which one understands the ultimate nature of reality (Brahman).

Vedanta teachers that the believer's goal is to transcend the limitations of self-identity.


Copyright © 2010 by Ravidatt Vyas and All text on is copyright of Ravidatt Vyas and No part of this text may be stored transiently or permanently on any medium. It is prohibited to transfer, transmit, reproduce, publish or otherwise exploit, modify, create derivative works from, or combine with other material the contents of this website, without permission of the copyright holder.

Legal Disclaimer: My spells have helped many around the world. Due to legal reasons, however, I have to state the following: All metaphysical readings of a psychic nature and spell casting services are considered "entertainment only" and should NOT be used as a substitute for professional, medical, psychiatric or legal care / help. You agree that your spell is subject to your own interpretation. You agree that you have read the Terms and Conditions of Use and agreed. You must be at least 18 years old to order any spell from this website. Placing an order constitutes your agreement of all terms and conditions.

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