Having Trouble Viewing Images
on My Web Site and / or in My Emails?

Don't panic! Some easy tech stuff...

If you use Mozilla Firefox as your browser you may not be able to view images on my website as well as images in my emails if you use gmail. Yahoo Mail seems to be ok.

At the top left hand corner of your Firefox browser page, go to:

Tools” >

Options” >

Content” >

Load images automatically” > on the same line “Exceptions” >

You can specify which web sites are allowed to load images. Type the exact address of the site you want to manage and then click Block or Allow.

Address of web site:

Type "vedanta-occult-spells.com" (then click "Allow")

For viewing images in my emails on gmail on Internet Explorer, on the top right hand corner of your IE browser, go to:

Tools” >

security” >

Custom level... “ >

Settings” >

scroll down to “Miscellaneous” > “Access data sources across domains” tick “enable” AND... >

Display mixed content” tick “enable

Copyright © 2010 by Ravidatt Vyas and VOS. All text on this website is copyright of Ravidatt Vyas and VOS. No part of this text may be stored transiently or permanently on any medium. It is prohibited to transfer, transmit, reproduce, publish or otherwise exploit, modify, create derivative works from, or combine with other material the contents of this website, without permission of the copyright holder.